Counselor's Inspirational--Finding Yourself Again After Trauma

Counselor's Inspirational--Finding Yourself Again After Trauma

Oftentimes, while working through trauma, interrelated things within yourself that have fallen by the wayside become more apparent. You may start to

The Trauma That Remains – – 8 Ways We Can Let Go of Childhood Bullying

The Trauma That Remains – – 8 Ways We Can Let Go of Childhood Bullying

Trauma that we’ve experienced can sit with us for a long time. The feelings of fear, guilt, anxiety, depression, low self worth, paranoia, feeling

Social Anxiety—6 Ways To Help You Thrive

Social Anxiety—6 Ways To Help You Thrive

Most of us feel awkward in at least some social situations, especially when we’re going to be in the spotlight or meeting

Mental Health and The 2020 Election—Can We All Find Happiness?

Mental Health and The 2020 Election—Can We All Find Happiness?

When COVID hit, I started taking walks. It was during my walks that I had my first smile from seeing a Happiness sign nailed to a utility pole on 38th Avenue North in St. Petersburg, Florida. With a beautiful purple Jacaranda tree blooming in the background,