
Forgiveness—How to move away from anxiety, anger, blame and pain

Forgiveness—How to move away from anxiety, anger, blame and pain

Are you holding onto hurt or anger?  Is it difficult for you to let go of grudges?  Many times, I have slowly worked through my own pain, to end up in a place of forgiveness. During one of

Addict, Bipolar, Depressed, Gay—How to not take on labels.

Addict, Bipolar, Depressed, Gay—How to not take on labels.

No matter what you’ve done, what you may be diagnosed with, what you are, or what you may have gone through, you do not have to let it be the definition of WHO you are. Too many times there is

When Words Hurt—How to not let others affect your mental health.

When Words Hurt—How to not let others affect your mental health.

We all have had people say things to us at one time or another that really “sting”. Sometimes they can stick with us, or end up with us carrying around the feelings we are left with. Words can hurt.

Self Esteem—Your pursuit of happiness

Self Esteem—Your pursuit of happiness

You may have heard the common saying, “You have to love yourself first.”   These clichés are just that, but there is truth to them.  In The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith, it meant a fight to become stable financially.  More importantly, his character focused on teaching his son very valuable lessons of

Happy Holidays—or are they depressed holidays?

Happy Holidays—or are they depressed holidays?

So many are thrilled for the upcoming holiday season, but so many are not. For those not thrilled at all, the holiday rush is a source of stress, a time of remembering and grieving those you’ve lost, facing the

The end of a relationship sucks—period.

The end of a relationship sucks—period.

The end of any relationship just sucks!  But, the end of a romantic one, whether it be a marriage, or someone you were dating, seems to hurt the most.  It feels like