Anxiety and Stress

A Counselor’s Review—Revisiting the mind/body connection

A Counselor’s Review—Revisiting the mind/body connection

Last Sunday night on the long running TV show, 60 Minutes, I watched the story of a husband and wife. The wife had Alzheimer’s. They both decided to

Counselor’s Inspirational—How can you let go?

Counselor’s Inspirational—How can you let go?

I’ve seen a theme lately of people struggling with letting go.  It is work to change your thinking, and move towards acceptance of what is.  But,

A Counselor’s Review on the Pain of Loss – – 7 Ways It Can Lead to Joy

A Counselor’s Review on the Pain of Loss – – 7 Ways It Can Lead to Joy

This is kind of part three of a series. I lost a friend of many years on April 15th to brain cancer. It kind of feels so long ago, but also only like yesterday.

A Counselor’s Review on Relationships – – 5 Ways to Safeguard a Marriage Against Divorce

A Counselor’s Review on Relationships – – 5 Ways to Safeguard a Marriage Against Divorce

Besides counselors and therapists, who else would be able to speak on what causes divorce? 

What you’re feeling –What is it really?

What you’re feeling –What is it really?

How do you feel?  That question may sound like pop psychology, but there’s nothing pop about it. There are things that will trigger feelings

After divorce—5 points that can help you find your way

After divorce—5 points that can help you find your way

After divorce, I’ve heard differing perspectives. Neither are wrong. It’s what’s right for you. Some people feel like

It’s Okay to be Selfish--getting your needs met

It’s Okay to be Selfish--getting your needs met

I feel one of the most prominent concepts amongst the theories I learned from past psychologists was Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of (human) needs.  Our very basic needs are

Counselor’s Motivational – – Breaking patterns

Counselor’s Motivational – – Breaking patterns

No matter what makes you choose to seek out therapy, oftentimes it has to do with breaking some sort of pattern. It could be

What is normal?—A blog on how to say no, and yes to you

What is normal?—A blog on how to say no, and yes to you

So many times during the course of my career I have heard the statement, “I just want to be normal.” What exactly is normal?

Depression and Suicide—Everything you say and do affects somebody else.

Depression and Suicide—Everything you say and do affects somebody else.

Growing up, I was always told by my parents to be home by supper. As soon as the school bus dropped me off, I was out the door with my bike, riding around,